FRIDAY, 12:15 PM: evil gets out the
poodle leashes!  excitement prevails as a walk is anticipated.  around whose
necks will she fasten collars?  first blessed is me, badpoodle, as i am her
favorite who walks upon the ground she worships.  though i deserve her full
attention, she also collars goodpoodle, who, in my opinion, is too autistic
to appreciate leaving the house.
12:18 PM:  here i am, eager to get on with
outside activity, namely marking the world with poodle piss and terrorizing
all who cross my path.  excitation is palpable, and such a display is more
than normal among poodledogs.  of course a trip beyond the gate would be far
improved by subtracting evil from the equation, but time lacks space to
elaborate. |