lack of sequitur
notwithstanding, evil felt a fish would assuage her grief over smurf's
death. i understand that mentally, a fish and a mastiff are equals, but
commonality beyond that escapes me (and let's not forget that i'm a poodle,
universally acknowledged as the most intelligent of enhoffers). with her typical
opportunistic lack of morals, she whined to the truly bereaved hairy and
conned him into buying her a betta fish. one can only assume said fish was a
complete empath in that he chose death over life with evil and soon
personified his name (flush).
never one to let death stand in the way of her satisfaction, evil returned
to the pet store to select another innocent for slaughter. this time, musing
that perhaps poor flush went sewerwards in response to leaving the large
aquarium at the pet store for the confines of the niggardly 1 gallon tank to
which she downsized him, evil selected her next victim from a more typical
betta tank, i.e. a plexi cube not much bigger than the fish. apparently the
piscine brain was in accordance with evil's, and the little fucker has
already outlived his 4 day warrantee period and is swimming into week
in the hope that optimistic christening would heighten new betta's karma, evil
named this apedal "fish-who-is-not-dead." i prefer to call him
picture 1 comes the closest to showing notdead's true colors, photography in
this house being limited by a 6 year old digicam (you know things are bad
when even photoshop doesn't help). the blue on his body actually extends to
his head; we think the red from his long luxurious fins over-reflected.
the next shot captures feeding frenzy. evil shows undue joy over the
betta's primal response to food and interprets this as the fish liking her.
she's wrong, of course.
in photos 3-5, we see notdead swimming through the bubbles from his
aerator. evil says fishie regards her as the goddess of bubbles, the source
of his tankly delights. again, wrong.
evil tried to flashlessly photograph fish-who-is-not-dead with picture 6 the
result. way to go evil.
the last picture was taken after the fish spent a few days with